CEA Approves Two New Pumped Storage Projects in Maharashtra

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has given its nod to two more Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs) in Maharashtra. A press release on this new advancement in renewable energy goals.

These PSPs were commissioned with the support of the Central Water Commission (CWC), Geological Survey of India (GSI), and Central Soil and Materials Research Station (CSMRS). They were established within 10 days of completion of the DPRs i.e. the date on which the complete DPRs were submitted on the ONLINE portal by the developers.

Project Details

  • 1500 MW, developed by JSW Energy Ltd.
  • 1000 MW, developed by Tata Power Co. Ltd.

Both projects were approved within 10 days of submitting their Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) on the CEA’s online portal.

These PSPs will collectively add over 15 GWh (Gigawatt hours) of energy storage capacity to the grid.


  • Meeting peak demand during non-solar hours.
  • Enhancing grid stability.
  • Facilitating faster integration of renewable energy.

CEA aims to approve at least two PSPs per month in 2024-25. The target for 2024-25 is to approve 15 PSPs with a combined capacity of 25,500 MW.

CEA has also introduced an online portal, “Jalvi-store,” to streamline the processing of PSPs. Certain chapters of the DPRs have been eliminated to expedite the approval process.

GSI and CWC have formed teams to ensure faster clearances of design chapters.

Private Sector Involvement

The approval of these projects by private developers highlights the growing role of the private sector in India’s energy transition. Public-private partnerships can drive faster progress towards renewable energy targets.