CBIC prescribes Manner of Re-credit in Electronic Credit Ledger using Form GST PMT-03A.

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs on 6th July 2022 has notified the manner of re-credit in electronic credit ledger using Form GST PMT-03A. As per sub-rule (4B) of rule 86 of the CGST Rules, where a registered person deposits the amount of erroneous refund sanctioned to him along with interest and penalty, wherever applicable, through FORM GST DRC-03, in cash,  on his own  or on being pointed  out,  an amount equivalent to  the  amount of erroneous refund deposited by  the registered  person  shall  be  re-credited  to  the electronic credit ledger by the proper officer by an order made in FORM GST PMT-03A.

While making the payment through FORM GST DRC-03, the taxpayer shall clearly mention the reason for making payment in the text box as the deposit of erroneous refund of unutilised ITC,or the deposit of erroneous refund of IGST obtained in contravention of sub-rule (10) of rule 96 of the CGST Rules.

Till the time an automated functionality for handling such cases is developed on  the portal,  the  taxpayer  shall  make a written request, in the prescribed format to jurisdictional proper  officer  to  re-credit  the  amount  equivalent to the  amount  of refund  thus paid back through FORM GST DRC-03, to electronic credit ledger.

The proper officer, on being satisfied that the full amount of erroneous refund along with applicable interest, as per the provisions of section 50 of the CGST Act, and penalty, wherever applicable, has been paid by the said registered person in FORM GST DRC-03 by way of debit in electronic cash  ledger,  he shall re-credit  an amount in  electronic credit ledger, equivalent to the amount of erroneous refund so deposited by the registered person, by passing an order in FORM GST PMT-03A, preferably within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt  of  request  for  re-credit  of  erroneous refund amount so  deposited or  from  the  date  of payment  of  full  amount  of  erroneous  refund  along  with  applicable  interest,  and  penalty, wherever applicable, whichever is later.