CBDT releases new functionality in AIS for taxpayers to display status of information confirmation process in real-time

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has now rolled out a new functionality in AIS to display the status of information confirmation process. This will display, whether the feedback of the taxpayer has been acted upon by the Source, by either, partially or fully accepting or rejecting the same. In case of partial or full acceptance, the information is required to be corrected by filing a correction statement by the Source.

The following attributes shall be visible to the taxpayer for status of Feedback confirmation from Source:

  1. Whether feedback is shared for confirmation: This will let the taxpayer know if the feedback has been shared with the Reporting Source for confirmation or not.
  2. Feedback Shared On: This will let the taxpayer know the date on which the feedback has been shared with the Reporting Source for confirmation.
  3. Source Responded On: This will let the taxpayer know the date on which the Reporting Source has responded on the feedback shared with it for confirmation.
  4. Source Response: This will let the taxpayer know the response provided by the Source on the taxpayer’s feedback (if any correction is required or not).

This new functionality is expected to increase transparency by displaying such information in AIS to the taxpayer. This is another initiative of the Income Tax Department towards ease of compliance and enhanced taxpayer services.