Dam Safety Act, 2021

The owner of specified dams shall, within the operation and maintenance establishment, provide a dam safety unit consisting of such competent levels of engineers as may be specified by the regulations. Every owner of a specified dam shall undertake every year, through their dam safety unit, a pre-monsoon and post-monsoon inspections in respect of each such dam.

AERB publishes safety guidance on regulatory control of radioactive discharges to the environment and disposal of solid waste.

The objective of the guidance is to provide harmonised, structured and graded approach for authorisation of waste discharge / disposal considering optimisation of protection and safety guidance for implementation of waste discharge / disposal authorisation to ensure compliance with the safety requirements. This safety guide also provides guidance regarding disposal of waste from radioactive consumer products.

Exemption from registration of additional units for manufacturers of Petroleum Crude

Every manufacturing unit engaged in the manufacture or production of Petroleum Crude under the Central Excise Act, 1944, where the manufacturer of such goods has a centralized billing or accounting system in respect of specified goods manufactured or produced by different units or premises, is allowed to register only one unit or premises or office, from where such centralized billing or accounting is done.

The Goa Boiler (Fifth Amendment) Draft Rules, 2021.

The amendment is brought under rule 8 which deals with registers to be kept in office, in which the Chief Inspector shall also keep in his office, a register in Form A of all boilers registered in the State or the registry of which has been transferred from another State has been substituted.