Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2023

The regulations clarify that any country connected to the National Grid or Regional Grid will be treated as a separate control area. This recognition enables effective planning of generation and transmission resources to meet projected demand while complying with specified reliability standards. Emphasis is placed on integrating environmentally friendly technologies, such as renewable energy sources, flexible resources, energy storage systems, and demand response measures, to manage the intermittent and variable nature of renewable energy sources.

Bihar Biofuels Production Promotion Policy, 2023

The policy defines the eligibility criteria for different types of units and feedstocks. Standalone distilleries producing 100% fuel-grade Ethanol and CBG/bio- CNG manufacturing units are eligible for incentives under this policy. The production of Ethanol and CBG/bio-CNG from approved feedstocks mentioned in the National Policy on Biofuels, 2018, and subsequent permissions granted by the National Biofuel Coordination Committee are allowed in Bihar.

Draft R&D Roadmap for Green Hydrogen Ecosystem in India

The roadmap focuses on developing new materials, technologies, and infrastructure to improve the efficiency, reliability, and cost- effectiveness of green hydrogen production, storage, and transportation. The R&D program will also prioritize safety and address technical barriers and challenges in developing a hydrogen economy.

3-Day International Conference on Green Hydrogen

One of the fundamental aims of the conference is to establish a Green Hydrogen ecosystem that aligns with global decarbonization goals. Discussions will cover various aspects, including hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and downstream applications. Additionally, the conference will address green financing, human resource upskilling, and startup initiatives in the green hydrogen domain.

Guidelines on Design, Construction, O&M and Annual Certification of Coal Ash Ponds

The Guidelines state that because of economic viability, thermal power stations most widely dispose both precipitated fly ash and bottom ash together as a slurry to the pond in which it stored for a longer period. Therefore safe disposal and gainful utilization are the prime concerns to safe guard the interest of environmental system.

National Electricity Plan Notification (Amendment) Rules, 2023

Under the amended rule, a draft National Electricity Plan will be published on the website of the Authority. This step will allow licensees, generating companies, and the general public to review the plan and provide their suggestions and objections. Furthermore, the notice regarding the publication of the draft plan will be published in at least two daily newspapers to maximize awareness.

Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2023

Licenses granted by the Appropriate Commission and deemed licenses will be deemed renewed, unless revoked, for a period of twenty-five years at a time.