Gujarat Is Set To Become India’s Green Hydrogen Hub

The Green Hydrogen Destination of India” seminar during the third day of the tenth edition of the Vibrant Summit, Chief Minister of Gujarat declared that under the guidance of the Prime Minister, Gujarat is poised to become the country’s Green Hydrogen Hub. The government has formulated a special land policy, dedicating 2 lakh hectares of wasteland in Kutch and Banaskantha districts for green hydrogen production. Gujarat, aligning with this vision, has allocated 2 lakh crore rupees for the green growth sector over the next five years.

Operational Guidelines for Electricity Duty Exemption for MSMEs

Government of Odisha introduces New Policy Provisions in New Enterprises with investment in plant and machinery up to INR 50 crores shall be exempted from the payment of electricity duty up to a contract demand of 750 KVA for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of production. Terms and expressions used in this operational guideline, but not specifically defined/explained here, shall have the same meaning as in Odisha MSME development policy – 20222. Electricity Authority means Additional Chief Engineer-cum-Electrical Inspector for the purpose of exemption of Electricity Duty.

SIGHT Program: Incentive for Procurement of Green Ammonia and Green Hydrogen

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued scheme guidelines for implementation of Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Program under the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM). This notification was issued on January 16, 2024. The MNRE has stated that the President of India as sanctioned the scheme for procurement of green […]

MNRE Publishes Details of Secretaries (DRC) of REIAs

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has announced the secretaries to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) for the respective Renewable Energy Implementing Agencies (REIAs). This order was issued on January 12, 2024.

New Rules Unveiled to Boost Ease of Doing Business in Green Hydrogen and Energy Storage Sectors

To rationalize open access charges, the rules state that for consumers availing General Network Access or Open Access, the additional surcharge will be progressively reduced and eliminated within four years. Importantly, the surcharge will only apply to consumers who are or have been customers of the concerned Distribution licensee, sparing those who have never been customers from this additional cost.

Telangana Government to bring in ‘New Power (Electricity) Policy’

Chief Minister propounded the need to implement a comprehensive power policy in Telangana State after conducting a detailed study of the existing power policies adopted by various state governments and holding discussion with Energy experts and in the State Legislative Assembly. Chief Minister discussed the issues of power consumption, supply of 24 hours uninterrupted power, power generation by the companies, measures for new power generation units, 200 units free power supply under the Gruha Jyothi scheme with the officials and the Ministers.

Climate Conference 2024 “Decoding the Green Transition for India”

The conference delved into all aspects of India’s climate action plan, with a keen focus on the role of the private sector, climate tech startups, and institutional investors. The conference aimed at mobilizing financial resources and technical capabilities to bolster government initiatives.