Classification of Industries Based On Pollution Potential

This revised classification will be used for various purposes, including consent management, inspection frequency, siting criteria, cluster development, pollution control plans, environmental compensation, and promoting progressive environmental management.

An Intoxicating Legal Battle Culminates In The Supreme Court Favoring States

The Court held that state governments have the primary authority to legislate on intoxicating liquor, including industrial alcohol, under Entry 8 of the State List. Through its majority judgment, the Court overturned the 1990 judgment that had granted the Centre greater regulatory power over industrial alcohol. It empowers state governments to enact their own regulations governing the production, distribution, and sale of industrial alcohol within their respective jurisdictions.

New Karnataka Excise (Brewery)(Amendment) Rules 2024

The Karnataka Excise (Brewery) (Amendment) Rules, 2024, revise definitions, licensing fees, and operational rules for microbreweries in Karnataka. They reflect the state’s commitment to fostering a regulated yet vibrant craft beer industry.

New Changes to the F.L.-10 License Fee in Chhattisgarh

The Government of Chhattisgarh on July 16th 2024, suppressed an older notification related to annual license fees for wholesale purchase, storage and sale of foreign liquor. The new notification is regarding changes in the annual license fees for the F.L.-10 License. This license is essential for businesses involved in the wholesale purchase, storage, and sale of foreign liquor.

SOP For ZLD Verification Of Distilleries

The Government of India has implemented a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to streamline the verification process for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems in distilleries. This initiative aims to expedite the disbursement of financial assistance under a scheme promoting ethanol production.

FSSAI Seeks To Increase Maximum Content Of Esters In Fruit Wines

The present draft amendment specifically seeks to enhance the maximum content of esters expressed as ethyl acetate (g/l of absolute alcohol). However, this enhancement is restricted to fruit wine other than grape wine. The level has been increased from 2.0 g/l of absolute alcohol to 3.0 g/l of absolute alcohol. The level of esters expressed as ethyl acetate for all other wines remains unchanged.