Government of Tamil Nadu notifies certain contactless services for which a citizen requires to undergo Aadhaar authentication.
Any individual desirous of availing various contactless services like Registering end stage organ failure patients waiting for cadaver organ in Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu registry, Transfer of wait listed patients from one hospital to another and Registration of deceased organ donors through the portal, is required to undergo Aadhaar authentication.
Government of Goa appoints 8th October 2021 as the date on which the provisions of Goa Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Act, 2021 shall come into force.
The Act amends section 2 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Goa Act No. 14 of 1994) (hereinafter referred to as the “said Act”) by inserting new definitions i.e., alteration”, Registered Structural Engineer” and “Single dwelling unit” so as to give more clarity to the provision/sections.
The Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulations, 2021.
Through this amendment, the authority has provided two types of authentication facilities, namely yes/no authentication facility and e-KYC authentication facility and other types of offline verification facility has been introduced.
Ministry of Law and Justice has issued the Draft Mediation Bill for Public Consultation
The draft Bill proposes for pre-litigation mediation and at the same time safeguards the interest of the litigants to approach the competent adjudicatory forums/courts in case an urgent relief is sought and the successful outcome of mediation in the form of Mediation Settlement Agreement (MSA) has been made enforceable by law.
Application procedure for availing benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana Scheme
Any individual desirous of availing benefits under the Scheme is hereby required to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo Aadhaar authentication.
Co-operative Societies Deposit Protection Scheme
The amendment provides that every co-operative credit society and other co-operative societies having credit business, shall register themselves under such Deposit Protection Scheme and pay
such contributions, so as to secure deposits of its depositors and members and take such other measures, as specified in the Scheme.
The Goa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2021.
Through this amendment, a new section 20B has been notified which deals with Deposit Protection Scheme in which every co-operative credit society and other co-operative societies having credit business, shall register themselves under such Deposit Protection Scheme and pay such contributions, so as to secure deposits of its depositors and members and take such other measures, as specified in the Scheme.
The Goa Bhumiputra Adhikarini Bill 2021.
The Bhumiputra Adhikarini may by an order declare a Bhumiputra to be the owner of the dwelling unit occupied by him upon payment of an amount equivalent to the value of land calculated at the market rate and he/she shall not be evicted from the dwelling unit and the dwelling unit shall not demolished during the pendency of any proceedings under this Act, save by the direction of the competent court of law.
Government of Goa has notified the scheme for implementation of programme of Component-B of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha.
The objective of the Programme is to provide standalone solar pumps of capacity of 1HP upto 7.5 HP under component-B to those Individual farmers where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost effective.
The Goa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
The Amendment is brought under rule 4 which deals with the application for registration, in which every application for registration of a society shall be made in Form ‘A’ in any of the following languages viz. Konkani, Hindi, Marathi and English .