Government of Goa amends the eligibility criteria under Bhasha Puraskar Yojana.
As per the amendment, any person of Goan origin residing in Goa for last 50 years and contributed his work for propagating language by way of teaching, translation, writing, lecturing etc. However, in a special case Government may relax these criteria considering the nature of work of the concerned scholar as and when no suitable nomination received.
Citizens can now access Digilocker services on the MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp.
MyGov Helpdesk, will now offer a suite of services for integrated citizen support and efficient governance, starting with Digilocker services.
Government of Goa notifies Tourist Guide Certification Scheme.
The participant has to register for IITF Certification Program (Basic) offered by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. The fees of the IITF Basic Course shall be reimbursed on submission of duly completed Application Form by the interested applicant.
The Goa Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2022.
The agencies shall submit the application in Form I to the Controlling Authority for the grant of licence and on receipt of the application , the Controlling Authority shall after noting thereon the date of receipt by him of the application, grant an electronic or digital acknowledgement to the applicant.
IIT Guwahati to organise North-East Research Conclave (NERC-2O22) across north-eastern states.
NERC 2020 offers the best platform for academia and industry to showcase their expertise, products and technology innovations on mission mode. The conclave is expected to benefit all in terms of setting up long-term collaboration for research and development, innovations towards the goal of establishing R&D and innovation-based sustainable NE India.
NITI Aayog Launches the National Data & Analytics Platform.
NDAP follows a use-case based approach to ensure that the datasets hosted on the platform are tailored to the needs of data users from government, academia, journalism, civil society, and the private sector. All datasets are standardized to a common schema, which makes it easy to merge datasets and do cross-sectoral analysis.
The Maharashtra Municipal Corporations (Regulation and Control of the Display of Sky-signs and Advertisement) Rules, 2022.
As per the rule, no agency shall erect, exhibit, fix, retain or display any advertisement by means of hoarding, posters, sky signs, kiosks, wall paintings, wall stickers, balloons etc without obtaining permission from the Competent Authority.
Education Ministry issues guidelines regarding precautions to be observed by schools to combat the ill-effects of the heat-wave.
As per the guidelines, school bus or van should not be over-crowded and it shall not carry students more than the seating capacity. Drinking water and First Aid Kit should be available in the bus and van. Students coming to school on foot or bicycle should be advised to keep their head covered.
The Municipal Corporation Shimla Erection, Exhibition, Affixation of Advertisement and Hoarding Bye-laws 2020.
As per the bye-law No advertisement shall be erected, exhibited, affixed or retained upon or over any land building, wall boarding, frame, post or structure or upon in any vehicle or shall be displayed in any manner, whatsoever in any place within the Municipal area including private land and buildings without the written permission of the Commissioner granted in accordance with these bye-laws.
The Municipal Council Kangra (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2022.
The Demand of property tax shall be raised annually by issuing a single property tax bill on form-B or through online mode for each unit of a property. The service of bill shall be effected by hand through special messenger and in case owner or occupier upon whom the bill is to be served is living outside the municipal limits, the bill shall be issued by post under certificate of posting or by registered/ speed post or through online mode/SMS.