Information on availability of Unisex Toilets for Divyangjan and Inventory of Buildings
All technical universities and AICTE approved institutions are requested to furnish information on availability of unisex toilets in their institutions and details on inventory in the google form titled ‘Unisex toilet for Divyangjan’. This information shall be furnished on or before 15th April, 2023.
The Chhattisgarh Gambling Prohibition Act
The Act intends to curb the extraction of illegal money through gambling and satta. It also seeks to prevent gambling, including online gambling, as a social evil.
Cluster Approach to better holistic development of MSMEs
The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises is implementing Micro and Small Enterprises – Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) across the country. The objective of the scheme is to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs).
Bihar Tenancy (Amendment) Rules, 2023
The amendment states that any raiyat having interest on the land may file a petition for the measurement of his raiyati land. This petition shall be in form-36 and submitted to the Circle Officer of the area through offline or online medium.
PENCIL portal being used for effective enforcement of Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act
The Government has also developed an online portal PENCIL (Platform for Effective Enforcement of No Child Labour) for effective enforcement of CALPR Act. The portal has also a complaint corner for registering the complaint regarding child labour.
Draft Guidelines for the Introduction of courses based on Indian heritage and culture
The instant scheme has been conceived by the UGC to realign acquaintances from various countries worldwide with this Indian Knowledge system and cultural heritage. There will be short term multi-tier credit based modular programme with multiple entry and exit based on Indian heritage and culture to promote the interest of people from abroad to visit India.
Draft Guidelines for Empanelment of Artists/Artisans–in–Residence in Higher Educational Institutions
In order to recognize the intellectual and creative talent in various art forms and crafts available within the country which are not formally connected to mainstream academia, these guidelines lay down an integrated initiative to imbibe the skills and creativity of artists and artisans augmenting the resources.
MoHFW clarifies on Mental Health Services in Primary Health Centres
The press release lists the various wayst the Government is implementing the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) in the country. The District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) component of the NMHP has been sanctioned for implementation in 716 districts for which support is provided to States/UTs through the National Health Mission. Facilities made available under DMHP at the Community Health Centre (CHC) and Primary Health Centre (PHC) levels, include outpatient services, assessment, counselling/ psycho-social interventions, continuing care and support to persons with severe mental disorders, drugs, outreach services, ambulance services etc
Schemes for implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U)
The Primary Lending Institutes (PLIs) were supposed to upload all eligible claims for interest subsidy loan for housing by 31.03.2022. Following request received from Central Nodal Agency, the deadline for uploading the claims on the CNA portal was extended till 30.06.2022 so that no eligible beneficiary is denied interest subsidy.
NDMC invites comments on Draft Cellular Tower Policy
This NDMC Policy pertains to the installation of communication towers by Cellular and Basic Telecom Operators on Rooftop/ Ground Base within the premises and in the area under the jurisdiction of the New Delhi Municipal Council. Suggestions/ comments may be sent by email at address up to 02.04.2023.