“Copper Mining Industry: Essential Public Service”

In recognition of the critical role played by the Copper Mining industry, the Central Government, pursuant to its authority under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, has designated it as a public utility service. This decision, outlined in the Public Utility Services (Third Order) 2024, underscores the necessity of ensuring uninterrupted operations in this sector.

Streamlined Licensing Process for Private Placement Agencies

The process for granting licenses to private placement agencies for providing workers is now conveniently accessible online through the e-district portal. As part of this process, a fee of Rs. 5,000 must be paid upon application for the license by the agency.

West Bengal Government Extends Filing Deadline for Form III

Discovering the right channel for addressing National Pension System (NPS) inquiries at the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) just got easier! EPFO has introduced a dedicated email address, epfohq.nps@epfindia.gov.in, exclusively for handling NPS-related matters.

Enhanced Communication: EPFO’s New Email Channel for NPS Queries

Discovering the right channel for addressing National Pension System (NPS) inquiries at the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) just got easier! EPFO has introduced a dedicated email address, epfohq.nps@epfindia.gov.in, exclusively for handling NPS-related matters.

PESO notifies proposal for repeal of the Explosives Act, 1884

In the ongoing process of public and stakeholder consultation regarding the proposed repeal of the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884) and the introduction of the Explosives Bill, 2024, a significant development has taken place. Following requests from concerned stakeholders, the text of the proposed provisions highlighted in the earlier communication dated April 15, 2024, is now available for scrutiny.

Detonator Regulation under Explosives Rules, 2008

In light of the above, all manufacturers of detonators are hereby instructed to submit their applications in a paperless manner (online) to the Head Office, PESO, Nagpur, for the amendment of their detonator manufacturing licenses concerning the manufacturing quantity for the financial year 2024-2025.

“Notice: Paid Holiday Notification for Factories and Establishments in Andhra Pradesh”

In accordance with the authority vested in the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the provisions outlined in the Andhra Pradesh Factories and Establishments (National, Festival, and Other Holidays) Act, 1974, and the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act, 1988, it is hereby proclaimed that a paid holiday shall be granted on the day of polling for both the Legislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh, 2024, and the Lok Sabha, 2024, falling on May 13, 2024 (Monday).

Who Let These 24 Breeds of Hounds Out?

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) is inviting written comments and objections from the public regarding the prohibition on the import, breeding, and sale of 24 dog breeds. Written comments with scientific reasoning can be sent by registered post to Dr. O.P. Chauhdary, Joint Secretary, DAHD by June 1, 2024.