Government of Rajasthan exempts petrol and diesel retail outlets from filing returns.

As per section 21 of Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003,every registered dealer shall assess his liability and shall furnish return, for such period, in such form and manner, and within such time and with such late fee not exceeding fifty thousand rupees, for delayed furnishing of returns, as may be prescribed, to the assessing authority or to the officer authorized by the Commissioner.

The Delhi Maintenance and Management of Parking Places (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022.

As per rule 16, if a vehicle is parked at a place where the parking is legally prohibited or found committing a violation of any provision of MV Act, 1988 and rules thereof and the vehicle is removed by a towing service or impounded, as the case may be, the towing charges including the cost of manpower and the parking /custody charges for the impounded vehicle.

The Central Motor Vehicles (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2022.

The Amendment is brought under rule 93 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR), 1989 provides for the dimension of motor vehicles and a new rule 125K has been inserted regarding Safety Requirements viz., braking, power to weight ratio, lighting, maneuverability etc for Road Trains.

The Rajasthan Motor Vehicles Taxation (Amendments) Rules, 2022.

The period of surrender or non-use shall not be less than seven days for stage carriages and less than thirty days for other than stage carriages. The period of such surrender shall not be more than one hundred eighty days in a calendar year for all categories of vehicles except in case of theft of the vehicle.