Adoption of Cloud Services by Intermediaries Regulated by PFRDA

Cloud solutions offer numerous advantages such as scalability, ease of deployment, and reduced overhead costs. However, the adoption of cloud services is also subject to cyber security risks and challenges. Therefore, the circular highlights the importance of ensuring regulatory compliance and implementing necessary measures to mitigate these risks effectively.

New Enhanced Rates of Financial Support for Torrefaction Plants

The maximum financial assistance for setting up of torrefaction plant is raised from INR 28 lakh to INR 56 lakh per Ton Per Hour (TPH) production capacity or 40% of capital cost for plant and machinery of one TPH plant, whichever is lower. Moreover, the amount of total financial assistance was also enhanced from INR 1.4 crore per proposal to INR 2.8 crore per proposal.

India to Chair International Sugar Organisation (ISO) in 2024

The Indian sugar industry has undergone substantial modernization, expansion, and diversification, tapping into the potential of by-products to generate additional revenue streams. Throughout the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the industry demonstrated resilience by operating mills during lockdowns and even contributing to the production of hand sanitizers to meet national demand.

Report on Domestic Manufacturing of Heavy Machinery

The committee recommended standardization of equipment to promote domestic manufacturing, urging Captive/Commercial Mine operators and contractors to prioritize indigenous equipment. Tender clauses are proposed to align with the “Make in India” mission, promoting the use of domestically manufactured equipment. To incentivize manufacturers, the committee suggested a scheme to encourage the design, development, and production of equipment in India for five years under the “Make in India” initiative.

Global Fisheries Conference India 2023

The conference featured an extensive agenda comprising five technical sessions, five industry connections, and five Government-to-Government (G2G), Government-to-Business (G2B), and Business-to-Business (B2B) sessions. An exhibition organized during the conference showcased the participation of start-ups, fishermen, food stalls, and demonstrations ranging from aquariums to artificial reefs, seaweed cultivation, marine cage culture, biofloc, RAS, fish feed, LPG converter kits, pearl extraction, and nucleus implantation.

Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2023

By the present amendment rules, every establishment must comply with the rural sector specific harmonized accessibility standards/guidelines. Scope of accessibility guidelines in DoRD include provision of guidelines for making various assets created and activities undertaken through the different schemes being implemented by DoRD, accessible to persons with disabilities.

New Powers Conferred for Elevator Safety in Delhi

The delegation of powers to these officials reflects a proactive approach by the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents in Delhi. Elevator safety is a critical aspect of urban infrastructure, and this measure is expected to contribute to a more robust and effective regulatory mechanism for elevators across the National Capital Territory.