The government of Tamil Nadu has issued guidelines on restarting factories involving hazardous process post lockdown
The Directorate of Industrial safety and health of Tamil Nadu has issued certain guidelines and directives to be followed by all factories handling hazardous process / dangerous operations registered under the Factories Act, 1948.
Union Cabinet nods for modification in the existing “Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme (PCGS)”
The Union Cabinet vide 20th May 2020, approved the norms for modification of Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme (PCGS)
Contribution to PM CARES Fund included as CSR activity
Contribution to Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund) is inserted to the schedule providing activities which may be included by companies in their Corporate Social Responsibility Policies. This notification shall be deemed to have come into force on 28th March, 2020.
MHA permits certain categories of OCI cardholders to visit India
The Ministry of Home Affairs vide its Notification dated 22nd May 2020 has permitted certain category OCI cardholders abroad to come to India.
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board revises its implementation order for the period May 18th to May 31st, 2020.
The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board vide its Notification dated 19th May 2020 has issued a revised implementation order on working staff in the offices.
Guidance on Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health Plus Nutrition services during & post COVID-19 Pandemic
The Guidance Note on Provision of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health Plus Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services during & post COVID-19 pandemic elaborates the various RMNCAH+N services to be provided at different levels in accordance with the zonal categorization of Containment Zones & Buffer Zones and beyond these zones.
UP Government to set up migrant commission for skill mapping and employment generation for all its workers
The State Government of Uttar Pradesh in its press release dated 24th May 2020 has proposed setting up of a migration commission to ensure comprehensive welfare package for the labourers/workers who have come back and also those who are working in other states.
Manufacturers of PPE coveralls can get themselves registered on the CDSCO online portal
The CDSCO has directed the manufacturer of medical devices including PPE coveralls to get themselves registered voluntarily on the CDSCO medical device online portal and to secure a registration number from CDSCO which shall be a benchmark for their quality management system.
Ministry of Home Affairs directs states to strictly enforce night curfew
The Ministry of Home Affairs vide its order dated 21st May 2020 has directed states to ensure strict implementation of lockdown and night curfew protocols during lockdown 4.0 period.
RBI sets banks group exposure limit at 30% of the capital base.
In order to facilitate a greater flow of resources to corporates, RBI has been decided, as a one-time measure, to increase a bank’s exposure to a group of connected counter parties from 25% to 30% of the eligible capital base of the bank.