DST invites applications from startups and companies for developing new technologies and innovative products to tackle the second COVID wave.

NIDHI4COVID2.0, a new initiative under which the companies can apply, will fund eligible start-ups & companies registered in India offering promising solutions in the thrust areas of oxygen innovation, portable solution, relevant medical accessories, diagnostic, informatics, or any other solution that addresses/mitigate various challenges faced by country/society due to the severe impact of COVID-19.

PIB releases information regarding the second wave of Covid-19

Indian Sars CoV 2 Consortium of Genome Sequencing was set up to sequence samples from across the country and identify any new variants of Covid-19. The scientists have tracked known different variants of concern with the latest one being B1.617, on which effect of various vaccines are being studied and tested.

NCT Delhi issues guidelines for childcare institutions with regard to COVID-19

NCT Delhi issues guidelines to be followed in CCIs to contain spread of COVID-19. The guidelines include teaching the children proper sanitation methods and ensuring that they are strictly following them, creation of reception units for quarantining newly admitted children, coordinating with COVID Care Centres in case of any COVID positive child for treatment.