C-DOT and Trois Infotech Sign Agreement to Develop “Face Recognition Using Drone” Under TTDF Scheme

This project focuses on developing advanced drone-based solutions equipped with industrial-grade, long-range cameras optimized for facial recognition, high-accuracy edge processing, and seamless real-time data transmission. The drones will leverage cutting-edge computer vision and AI technologies to address challenges such as camera and target movement, low-light conditions, and power constraints.


The MSE SPICE scheme encourages recirculation of resources in the MSMEs through the strategies of reducing, reusing and recycling of resources, which includes re-processing waste materials in the eleven sectors.

eCourts Mission Mode Project

As part of eCourts project, 7 platforms have been created to provide real time information on case status, cause lists, judgements etc. to lawyers/Litigants through SMS Push and Pull (Over 4 lakhs SMS sent daily), Email (Over 6 lakhs sent daily), multilingual eCourts services Portal (35 lakh hits daily), JSC (Judicial Service centres) and Info Kiosks. In addition, Electronic Case Management Tools (ECMT) have been created with Mobile App for lawyers (total 2.69 crore downloads till 31.10.2024) and JustIS app for judges (20,719 downloads till 31.10.2024).

Sanchar Saathi portal

DoT and TSPs have developed Prevention of Spoofed Incoming International System to identify and block incoming international spoofed calls which display Indian mobile numbers and appear to be originating from within India. Such international spoofed calls have been made by cyber-criminals in recent cases of fake digital arrests, FedEx scams, and impersonation as government and police officials, etc.

Punjab and Haryana High Court Announces Holidays for Subordinate Courts in 2025

The High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh on December 4th 2024 , has officially declared the list of holidays for subordinate courts in the States of Punjab, Haryana, and the Union Territory of Chandigarh for the calendar year 2025. This announcement is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 47 of the […]