The Drugs (Prices Control) Third Amendment Order, 2021.

he revision of ceiling prices on the basis of moving annual turnover value shall be carried out every five years from the date of fixing the ceiling price under this Order for formulations as specified under the SCHEDULE – I.”

NPPA caps trade margin of 42 anti-cancer medicines.

The National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Policy (NPPP), 2012 prescribes the guidelines for regulation of prices of drugs and the key principles of price regulation are (i) essentiality of drugs (ii) control of prices of formulations and (iii) Market Based Pricing.

CDSCO classifies medical devices pertaining to ENT.

The Drug Controller General has classified 67 medical devices related to ENT including Audiometer testing system, Behind-the-ear airconduction hearing aid, Electroglottograph, Endaural curette, ENT surgical microscope, Flexible fibreoptic nasopharyngo laryngoscope, Nasal septum straightening forceps etc.

CDSCO classifies medical devices pertaining to ophthalmology under the provisions of Medical Devices Rules, 2017.

Any person who intends to apply for grant of licence in respect of medical devices for import/manufacture for sale or for distribution/ sale, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, may group all or any medical device in accordance with the guidelines to be issued from time to time by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the Central Government, by taking into consideration the technological changes or development in the field of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices.