Battery Waste Management (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024

The amendment rules state that the phased implementation of the targets of minimum use of recycled materials for all batteries, whether portable or of electric vehicles, or automotive or industrial shall begin from 2027-2028. The notification has also specified that these targets are to be met in terms of financial year.

FSSAI Seeks To Increase Maximum Content Of Esters In Fruit Wines

The present draft amendment specifically seeks to enhance the maximum content of esters expressed as ethyl acetate (g/l of absolute alcohol). However, this enhancement is restricted to fruit wine other than grape wine. The level has been increased from 2.0 g/l of absolute alcohol to 3.0 g/l of absolute alcohol. The level of esters expressed as ethyl acetate for all other wines remains unchanged.

Monsoon Safety Protocols for Factories: Ensuring Workplace Security

As the monsoon season approaches, ensuring the safety of factory workers becomes paramount. The Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers, Goa, has issued comprehensive guidelines to safeguard employees and maintain operational integrity during adverse weather conditions.

Goa Government Revises Industrial Hygiene Fees

The Government of Goa issued orders on June 13, 2024, to revise industrial hygiene survey fees. The fees for industrial hygiene surveys will increase by 5% annually, effective immediately and starting from April 1, 2025.

Government Declares New Services As Public Utility Services

The central government has issued a series of orders extending the designation of certain critical industries as “public utility services” under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. These industries are considered essential for national security and economic well-being.

BIS Revises Concessions for Various Licensing and Certification Fees

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has issued a notification revising concessions concessions in respect of all types of specified notified fees, except for application fee for grant of licence or certificate of conformity and those collected on actuals. It has extends a concession of 20% for micro enterprises. For micro-scale enterprises, an 80% concession on fee payable will be applicable until May 31, 2026, while for small-scale enterprises, a 50% concession on fee payable will be applicable until the same date.

Pellet Plants Now Require Prior Environmental Clearance

The amendment has introduced Pellet plants in the List of Projects or Activities Requiring Prior Environmental Clearance. Pellet Plant is now added as a new primary processing category within this list. The amendment specifies that all standalone pellet plants, regardless of capacity, are categorized as Category B subject to general conditions.

Goa SPCB Directs Continuous Monitoring In Industries & Other Establishments

According to GSPCB directions, steel plants in the Red & Orange Category must install Online Continuous Stack Emission Monitoring Systems(OCEMS) and Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring stations by 31st August 2024. Additionally, industries, establishments, hotels, common STPs, commercial establishments, residential complexes, and educational institutions with ETPs of 50 KLD and above, and STPs of 100 KLD and above, must install an online water quality monitoring system by 31st August 2024.

Bottled Water Dispensers (Quality Control) Order, 2024 

All bottled water dispensers must adhere to the specifications outlined in the Indian Standard IS 17681:2022, titled “Bottled Water Dispensers.” To ensure compliance, dispensers must display the the Standard Mark, obtained through a Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) license.