The Dept. of Chemicals & Petro-chemicals publicises enforcement dates of 7 QCOs

The specified Indian standards for the 7 prescribed product will be enforced on the notified dates. Stakeholders of these 7 products including producers, consumers, traders and other related Indian citizens must take note that the enforcement dates of these standards so as to ensure preparedness in advance of these QCOs.

MoA&FW issues a Press Release on its Ban of Certain Pesticides

The press release states that based on the receipt of new studies/reports/ references/ information by the government from time to time, registered pesticides are reviewed with regard to their safety and efficacy. After due consultation with the Registration Committee, along with the recommendations of the expert committees, the MoA&FW has banned or phased out several pesticides and their formulations. Simultaneously, the government is promoting the use of bio-pesticides. These are generally safer than chemical pesticides.

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers issues notice on Third-party Security Audit of the Dashboard Portal and CPDS Portal

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has issued a notice on Third-party Security Audit of the Dashboard Portal and CPDS Portal. The notice invites quotes on estimates of expenditure and time to be taken for carrying out the Third Party Security Audit of the Dashboard portal and CPDS portal. The scope of work is also attached to the present notification. The quotes shall reach the Under Secretary to the Government of India at the e-mail by 23rd January, 2023.

Vinyl Acetate Monomer (Quality Control) Second Amendment Order, 2022

As per the order, manufacturers and dealers of Vinyl Acetate Monomer shall company with the parameters issued by BIS. The latest version of the Indian Standards including the amendments issued thereof and notified by the Bureau of Indian Standards from time to time shall apply.