Department of Consumer Affairs invites Public Consultation for declaring two or more prime constituents of the commodity on front side of the package with the Brand Name/ Logo.

It is observed that many manufacturers/ packers/ importers are not making important declarations prominently on the Front side of the Package which is necessary in the interest of consumers and also violate their consumer right of “Right to be informed”. The declaration of unique selling point / unique selling proposition (USP) of the product on the front side of the package without it’s percentage of composition is against the consumer rights.

Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2022

In the case of an electronic product which is manufactured or packed or imported after the 15th July, 2022, the package of such product shall, for a period of one year from such date, declare the name of the manufacturer or packer or importer, as the case may be, on the package itself and such declaration shall also inform the consumers to scan the QR code for the address and other related information, in case such information is declared through the QR Code and not declared on the package itself.

Goa Legal Metrology (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2021.

the government has also proposed a hike in verification fees for measuring tapes, weighing instruments of high accuracy class and special accuracy both mechanical and electronics class. Fees of all measuring instruments such as clinical thermometer, taxi and auto meters, etc, are also set to increase.

Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Amendment Rules, 2021

When one or more packages intended for retail sale are grouped together for being sold as a retail package on promotional offer, every package of the group shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the amendment for declaring unit sale price in the package.