Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Establishment, Recognition, Administration and Control of Schools under Private Management) Rules amended

When a private aided school is forced to be closed down for any reason or whenever the management of the school goes out of the way to remove any of its staff members or whenever there is a fall in strength in a private aided school for two successive academic years or whenever an exercise for rationalization of aided staff working in aided institutions is taken up, the competent authority may transfer the aided staff, with or without post, as the case may be to any other needy Private aided school within the district.

UGC invites application for the Quad Fellowship.

The Quad Fellowship, a new graduate-level fellowship designed to build ties among the next generation of scientists and technologists, is recruiting its first cohort this year. This program will sponsor 1O0 exceptional American, Japanese, Australian, and Indian master’s and doctoral students in science, technologr, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to study in the United States.

NMC notifies Draft National Medical Commission Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2022.

As per the draft regulation, the registered medical practitioner (RMP) should attend continuing professional development programs regularly each year, totaling at least 30 credit hours every five years. Only recognized medical colleges and health institutions or medical societies accredited or authorized by EMRB/State medical Councils can offer training and credit hours for this purpose.

AICTE issues circular regarding organizing Cyber Jagrookta Diwas for sensitizing School/College Students in Municipalities and Panchayats.

The Ministry of Home Affairs had earlier implemented the “Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (14C) Scheme” with the objective of providing an effective mechanism to deal with cybercrime in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal “was launched for reporting all types of cybercrimes especially cybercrimes against women and children. The incidents reported in the portal are automatically forwarded online to the State/UT concerned.