NMC issues advisory to medical colleges on installation of cameras.

As per the advisory, minimum of 25 cameras has to be installed covering all the important places. one at the main entrance of the hospital and college, two at the patient registration centre, and five cameras at the OPDs depending on the number of OPDs in the medical college and it should cover Medicine OPD, Surgical OPD, Gynaecological OPD, Paediatrics OPD, Ortho OPD etc.

NMC grants relaxation for BCMET completion for faculty promotion in medical college.

Para 6 of the “Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions Regulations, 2022” stipulates norms for faculty appointment and promotion in broad specialties (MD/MS) and super specialties (DM/M.Ch) in a permitted/recognized medical college. It, inter alia, stipulates that for promotion to the post of professor, associate professor, the faculty should have completed BCMET from institutions designated by the NMC.

PCI issues circular on registration of ethics committees for biomedical and health research with DHR.

The New drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 makes it obligatory for all the entities/institutions/researchers whether in public or private, who are conducting or intending to conduct biomedical health research, involving human participants are required to get themselves registered with the designated authority in the department of health research in terms of provisions of chapter IV of the new drugs and clinical trials rules, 2019.