Corrigendum Issued for Delhi Health Service (Teaching Cadre of Homoeopathy) Rules, 2023

In the original notification, Schedule III, specifically at Serial Number 1, related to the post of Principal, there was a discrepancy in the “Field of Selection and minimum qualifying service for promotion” column. The notification initially stated “Professors in level 14 (Rs. 144200-218200/-)” as the qualification requirement. However, the corrigendum has rectified this error and replaced it with “Professors in level 13 (Rs. 123100-215900/-).”

NMC notifies FAQs on CBME Course Curriculum

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide clarity on the Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) course curriculum.

NMC publishes FAQs on UG MSR 2023

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide clarity on the “Guidelines for Establishment of New Medical Institutions, Starting of New Medical Courses, Increase of Seats for Existing Courses, and Assessment and Rating Regulations for Undergraduate Medical Education, 2023 (UG-MSR 2023).” These FAQs were published on 13th September, 2023.

MARB publishes number of seats allocated for UG and PG Programmes

The purpose of this list is to provide transparency and information to the concerned authorities and stakeholders. The National Medical Commission wishes to emphasize that the attached list represents the genuine approvals, Letters of Permission (LOPs), or renewals for the current academic year.