Madhya Pradesh Government Promotes Registration of Motor Transport Workers
The Government of Madhya Pradesh issued a directive to ensure the smooth implementation of the Motor Transport Workers Rules, 1963.
Andhra Pradesh Government Issues Notification on Minimum Wages and Cost of Living Index
The Government of Andhra Pradesh announced an important update regarding the Cost of Living Index Numbers for employees in scheduled employment.
Gujarat Government Issues Minimum Wage Rates For Contract Labour
The Labour Department of Gujarat announced the minimum rate of wages under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act of 1970.
Rajasthan Government Announces Revised Minimum Wages
Government of Rajasthan issued a notification regarding revised minimum wages for Stone breaking or grinding (outside mines),Glass and chinaware, Salt industry, Woollen carpet making and shawl weaving establishments, Papad industry
Unveiling the SMILE Scheme: Empowering the Transgender Community in India
the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E) launched the SMILE scheme—Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise—a comprehensive initiative aimed at uplifting the transgender community in India
Revised Minimum Wage Rates in Bihar
The Government of Bihar has announced revised minimum wage rates set to take effect from October 1, 2024
Sixth Amendment to the Tripura Shops and Establishments Act
Cabinet approval for the proposal to allow women to work 24×7 under Tripura Shops and Establishments Act, 1970.
Bihar Government Announces Holiday Schedule for 2025
Bihar Government notifies that in the year 2025, there will be a general holiday in all the offices under the State Government and all the Revenue Magistrate Courts on the festival/occasions
Fair Pay for All: Himachal Pradesh’s Revised Minimum Wage Structure
The Government of Himachal Pradesh announced an important revision to the minimum wages applicable across various employment sectors, set to take effect from April 1, 2024.
Revised Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh: Effective October 2024
The new wage structure is for 45 scheduled employments across various sectors, including government departments and agricultural employment.