DoT advises citizens against malicious calls from international numbers aimed at creating panic
The DoT has directed all the telecom service providers to block malicious calls from anti national elements. Citizens, on receiving such calls, are advised to report to DoT at help-sancharsaathi[at]gov[dot]in or their telecom service providers.
TRAI issues Consultation Paper on “Regulating Converged Digital Technologies and Services –Enabling Convergence of Carriage of Broadcasting and Telecommunication services.”
The consultation paper is available on the TRAI website, and the last date for submission of comments is 27.02.2023 and counter comments by 13.03.2023. The Comments and counter-comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form to Shri Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Advisor (Broadband and Policy Analysis), TRAI, on the email id: with a copy to
Extension of last date to receive comments and counter comments on TRAI’s Consultation Paper on “Digital Transformation through 5G Ecosystem”
Keeping in view the requests of stakeholders, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of written comments up to 22nd January 2024 and for counter-comments up to 05th February 2024. Stakeholders are requested to submit their comments preferably in electronic form by e-mail to with a copy to
MeitY issues advisory to all intermediaries to comply with existing IT rules
The advisory mandates that intermediaries communicate prohibited content, particularly those specified under Rule 3(1)(b) of the IT Rules, clearly and precisely to users.
Telecommunications Act, 2023
Legislative Department has notified the Telecommunications Act, 2023 to amend and consolidate the law relating to development, expansion and operation of telecommunication services, telecommunication networks and assignment of spectrum.
Consultation Paper on “Assignment of Spectrum in E&V Bands, and Spectrum for Microwave Access (MWA) & Microwave Backbone (MWB)”
Keeping in view the request of stakeholders for extension of time for submission of counter comments, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of written Counter comments up to 3rd January 2024.
Consultation Paper on ‘Encouraging R&D in Telecom, Broadcasting and IT (ICT) Sectors’
The comments and counter-comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form on the email ID and with a copy to
Telecommunications Bill, 2023
The central government may provide for measures to protect users which include: (i) prior consent to receive specified messages such as advertising messages, (ii) creation of Do Not Disturb registers, and (iii) a mechanism to allow users to report malware or specified messages. Entities providing telecom services must establish an online mechanism for registration and redressal of grievances.
TRAI extended time to submit comments/counter comments on the consultation paper “Digital Inclusion in the Era of Emerging Technologies”
It has been decided to extend the last date for submission of comments up to 29th December 2023 and counter comments up to 12th January 2024. Request for further extension will not be entertained.
Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence Summit 2023
This prestigious event will recognize and award AI entrepreneurs and innovators from diverse backgrounds to highlight their innovative AI solutions, furthering the technological frontier and GPAI’s thematic priorities of Global Health, Climate Change, Resilient Society, Collaborative AI for Global Partnership (CAIGP) and Sustainable Agriculture.