Department of Telecommunications issues Public Advisory on frauds related to installation of Mobile Tower.
DoT/ TRAI is not directly or indirectly involved in leasing/renting the premises for installation of mobile towers.
Ministry of Communication extends the last date for submission of Applications under Design led Manufacturing scheme till 25th August 2022.
The main objective of the scheme is to build a strong ecosystem for 5G, the Guidelines for the PLI Scheme for Telecom & Networking Products have been amended with effect from 1st April 2022 to introduce Design- led Manufacturing with additional one percent incentive rates.
Revised Unified Access Service License (UASL) Agreement for change in FDI Compliance Report
The amendment revises the date of submission of compliance report by the licensee regarding license and security conditions on Indian and foreign equity to the licensor for the position as on 1st of January and 1st of July.
DOT notifies amendments to unified license agreement for change in FDI compliance.
As per clause 1.2 under the general conditions on ownerships of the licensee company, the licensee shall declare the Indian & Foreign equity structure in the licensee company and submit a compliance report regarding compliance of FDI norms and security conditions on the 1st day of January of every year to the licensor in proforma as may be prescribed from time to time.
Ministry of Communications invites comments on the Consultation Paper on ‘Need for a new legal framework governing Telecommunication in India’.
There have been rapid advances in telecommunication technology and corresponding proliferation of licenses, registrations, authorizations, permissions etc. in the telecommunication sector. The exclusive privilege of the Government to do things necessary in the context of telecommunication to provide telecommunication services, establish and maintain telecommunication network and infrastructure, is well recognized under laws of various jurisdictions.
Consultation Paper on Rationalization of Entry Fee and Bank Guarantees for service authorization under Unified License (Virtual Network Operators) regime
The comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form at by 23 August 2022.
Guidelines for allotment of E-band carriers to Telecom Service Providers
TSPs, based upon their application, would be allotted a maximum of 2 (two) carriers of 250 MHz each (paired) bandwidth in E-band (71-76/81-86) GHz for their backhaul purpose in the LSAs where they are holding Access Spectrum in IMT bands.
DoT increases the limit of maximum number of Microwave Access carriers that can be assigned to a Telecom Service Provider
A Telecom Service Provider with Access Service authorization/license on provisional basis is allowed to have eight Microwave Access carriers instead of existing limit of 4 carriers.
TRAI releases Consultation Paper on “Issues related to Community Radio Stations”
Community Radio Stations (CRS) serve a local and well-defined community focusing on the day to day concerns of its audience and satisfy their specific information and entertainment needs. The Government announced its policy for the grant of permission for setting up of CRS in December 2002 permitting well established educational institutions, including IITs/IIMs to establish CRS. In order to allow greater participation by the civil society on issues relating to development and social change, the Government on 4th December 2006 announced a revised policy for CRS that has been duly amended in 2017.
TRAI releases consultation paper on “Renewal of Multi-System Operators (MSOs) Registration”
As per the existing guidelines Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) grants registrations to operate as MSO under the Rule 11A-11F of The Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994. The applicant deposits a processing fee of INR One lakh (Rs. 1,00,000/-) online on Bharatkosh portal, and then along with the fee receipt and other requisite documents applies online on Broadcast seva portal for registration as MSO. Post scrutiny of eligibility and documents, security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is obtained before grant of the registration.