TRAI issues recommendations on Introduction of Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Provider Authorization under Unified License (UL)

TRAI issued a Consultation Paper on ‘Introduction of Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Provider Authorization under Unified License (UL)’ on 09th February 2023. The comments and counter-comments received from various stakeholders are available on TRAI website. In this regard, an Open House Discussion (OHD) was also held on 20th June 2023 through video conference. Based on the comments/inputs received from the stakeholders during consultation process, discussion held during OHD and further analysis of the issues, the Authority has finalized Recommendations on ‘Introduction of Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Provider Authorization under Unified License (UL)’.

TRAI releases Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Repealing Regulations, 2023

The Authority issued draft Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Repealing Regulations, 2023 on April 03, 2023 inviting comments of the stakeholders up to April 17, 2023. Based on the comments of the stakeholders and considering the aspect of Ease of Doing Business (EoDB), the Authority has decided to repeal the Regulation on quality of service of dial-up and leased line internet access service, 2001 with effect from date of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Repealing Regulations, 2023 in Official Gazette.

Regulatory Framework for the development of responsible Artificial Intelligence

The broad tenets of the suggested regulatory framework should comprise of an independent statutory authority, a Multi Stakeholder Body (MSB) that will act as an advisory body to the proposed statutory authority, and categorizations of the AI use cases based on their risk and regulating them according to broad principles of Responsible AI.

Open Network for Digital Commerce to democratize digital commerce.

The Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is a Section 8 company, under the initiative of DPIIT, with a mission to democratize digital commerce. Any two platforms that are compliant with the ONDC Protocol can interoperate without specifically integrating with each other’s systems. The ONDC Protocol compliant applications together constitute the ONDC Network.

Consultation Paper on Encouraging Innovative Technologies, Services, Use Cases, and Business Models through Regulatory Sandbox in Digital Communication Sector

Sandboxing framework for digital communication sector in India aim to strike a balance between encouraging innovation and managing risk, while also promoting competition and protecting consumers. The scope of the framework may cover a range of issues, including data privacy and security, interoperability, consumer protection, transparency, confidentiality and regulatory compliance.