TRAI releases Pre-Consultation Paper on Inputs for Formulation of “National Broadcasting Policy’

A National Broadcasting
Policy stipulating the vision, mission, strategies and the action points could set the tone for a planned development and growth of the Broadcasting sector in the country in the era of new and emerging technologies. With this background, a pre-consultation is being done with all the stakeholders to elicit the issues which are required to be considered for formulation of “National Broadcasting Policy”.

TRAI releases Consultation Paper on “Digital Inclusion in the Era of Emerging Technologies”

In the consultation paper, TRAI has analyzed various gaps in digital inclusion present in the country such as the mobile internet usage gap, rural-urban internet penetration disparities, gender gaps in internet access, etc. as well as gaps identified from some global indices. Proactively prioritizing inclusion can create an ecosystem that benefits every individual, fostering a more equitable and accessible digital economy.