Customer Information Sheet template for insurance companies

CIS highlights the obligations of policyholders to make transparent and fair disclosures of relevant material information pertaining to their health, as non-disclosure of the same may affect the claim settlement. The insurers are also required to obtain signatures of the policyholders confirming that they have noted the details of CIS and received it.

IRDAI Committee for proposing Plain language for insurance policy wordings

IRDAI has undertaken this initiative considering that policyholders often find it difficult to comprehend the terms and conditions in insurance policy contract because of complexity in language used in the policy. This leads to the policyholder confused and lack of knowledge required to make informed decisions while purchasing an insurance policy.

Modified Trade Credit Insurance Guidelines, 2021

In view of the fact that through “reverse factoring”, the financiers can take exposure on low rated or unrated buyers provided the default risk is hedged with insurers by taking Trade Credit Insurance cove, in order to facilitate “reverse factoring” transactions on TReDS platform, this modification is enacted.

Bima Vahak Guidelines, 2023

These guidelines aim to establish a dedicated, women-centric distribution channel that will penetrate every village and Gram Panchayat, improving the availability of insurance across the country. This transformative initiative seeks to create awareness about insurance products while ensuring that local needs are met and trusted individuals within communities act as intermediaries.

IRDAI announces monthly Open House for InsurTech & Fintech Entities

The Open House would be held at the Head Office of IRDAI from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM on 15th of every month henceforth. If 15th happens to be a holiday, the Open House will be held from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM on the next working day. Chairperson, IRDAI, in his/her absence, the senior most Whole-time Member along with senior officials of IRDAI will be present.

IRDAI Standing Committee on Cyber Security

The suggestions received from the Regulated Entities in implementation of IRDAI Information and Cyber Security guidelines, 2023 will also be considered by the committee for suggesting appropriate changes in the current framework.

Report of periodic meeting of CEOs of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies at IRDAI office

The progress made towards implementation of Risk Based Capital Framework (RBC), Risk Based Supervision Framework (RBSF) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was discussed in the meetng. It was highlighted that first Quantitative Impact Study (QIS-1) under RBC has already been rolled out and first pilot exercise under RBSF has also been commenced. The glide path outlined for adoption of IFRS to be implemented after notification of the standard was also briefed to the insurers.