IRDAI directions regarding insurance claims relating to Floods in Himachal, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi regions

IRDAI advises insurers to designate a Senior Executive in each affected State or Union Territory as the Nodal Claims Officer. This officer will oversee the claims response in their respective areas, ensuring streamlined communication and swift action. The appointment of the Nodal Officer should be promptly communicated to the Chief Secretary/Officer of the concerned State to establish a direct line of coordination.

IRDAI proposes implementation of Risk Based Supervisory Framework

With a view to promote a ‘Principle based Regulatory regime’, foster ease of doing business and encourage proactive risk identification and management, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has been working towards developing and implementing ‘Risk Based Supervision’ (RBS) framework for insurance sector in India.

The life insurers allowed to launch new products without prior approval

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India on 23.06.2023 has extended the ‘Use and File’ procedure to Group Unit-Linked Insurance products, Individual Unit Linked Insurance products which are offered with new funds and Combi products wherein Life Insurer acts as the lead.

IRDAI repeals redundant circulars

The circulars are withdrawn to rationalize, streamline the regulatory framework, enhance clarity and reduce complexity in compliance requirements.