FSSAI Mandates Use of NABL Symbol in Reporting Formats
All FSSAI-notified food testing laboratories accredited under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 are now required to include the NABL symbol on their test reports for tests that fall within their scope of accreditation. The FSSAI has introduced new test report formats, Form VII A and Form XI, to be used for all surveillance and enforcement samples. For imported food products, notified laboratories and referral laboratories must use Form – 2
FSSAI Issues the Revised List of Laboratories for Testing Fortificants in Fortified Rice
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) released a revised list of laboratories authorized to test fortificants such as Iron, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B9 in Fortified Rice (FR) and Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK)
Rajasthan Government Announces Revised Minimum Wages
Government of Rajasthan issued a notification regarding revised minimum wages for Stone breaking or grinding (outside mines),Glass and chinaware, Salt industry, Woollen carpet making and shawl weaving establishments, Papad industry
Tamil Nadu Government Announces Wage Revisions for Various Employment Sectors
Government of Tamil Nadu revised minimum wages for various employment sectors.
FSSAI Proposes Amendments to Food Import Regulations
The FSSAI is proposing to update the methods of analysis used for testing imported food samples. While the Authority’s manuals will remain the primary reference, food laboratories will now have the flexibility to adopt validated methods prescribed by internationally recognized organizations. Additionally, it is also proposed that the director of notified laboratories or referral laboratories can be the authorised signatory on analysis reports.
FSSAI Introduces New Draft Regulations for Primary Milk Producers
Primary milk producers must register with the FSSAI. Hawkers and primary milk producers who are not members of dairy cooperative societies will be exempt from registration fees. The draft regulations also propose measures for handling, storage and transportation of milk, dairy sanitation, hygienic production of milk and environmental hygiene.
FSSAI Removes Restriction On Conditions of Sale of Sal-Seed Fat
The FSSAI is proposing to delete the sub-regulation that currently states that no person shall sell sal-seed fat for any other purpose except for bakery and confectionery and it shall be refined and shall bear a label declaration. Interested stakeholders can submit their feedback by December 5, 2024.
FSSAI Waives Registration Fees for Hawkers
Effective September 28, 2024, hawkers will no longer be required to pay registration fees under the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011. Hawkers will receive a registration certificate valid for five years, eliminating the previous option to choose a shorter duration.
Extension of Validity Order of Mandatory Jute Packaging of Foodgrains and Sugar
The Central Government has extended the validity for mandatory use of jute packaging materials for sugar and food grains up to December 31, 2024. Moreover, the notification also states that initially, 10% of foodgrain indents must be placed through reverse auction on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal.
India Introduces Ecomark Certification Scheme to Promote Environment-Friendly Products
The Government of India has introduced the Ecomark Certification Scheme to encourage the production and consumption of environmentally friendly products. This scheme was introduced through the Ecomark Rules, 2024. Under these rules, products eligible for Ecomark certification must meet specific criteria related to resource consumption, waste generation, emissions, and overall environmental impact.