FSSAI issues order on usage of the term “ORS” along with brand name.

FSSAI has earlier issued direction regarding misleading advertisement and marketing of ORS substitute products vide which the use of terms ‘ORS’ or similar to ‘oRS’, and/or depiction of the food products as ‘ORS’on the food labels or through advertisement was restricted and the Commissioners of Food Safety of all States/UTs and Central licensing Authorities were advised to issue improvement notices to such FBOs for rectification of such food labels.

CCPA issues guidelines for preventing unfair trade practices and violation of consumer rights with regard to levying of service charge in hotels and restaurants.

If any consumer finds that a hotel or restaurant is levying service charge in violation to the guidelines, a consumer may make a request to the concerned hotel or restaurant to remove service charge from the bill amount. Also, the consumer may lodge a complaint on the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), which works as an alternate dispute redressal mechanism at the pre-litigation level by calling 1915 or through the NCH mobile app.

FSSAI Re-Operationalizes Licensing and Registration Amendment Regulations 2021.

The Food Authority may empanel individuals/companies/organisations to facilitate the food business operators in applying for Registration/License and the related activities such as modifications, and submission of annual returns and annual declaration with such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Food Authority under regulation 2.1.21.