FSSAI issues order on usage of the term “ORS” along with brand name.
FSSAI has earlier issued direction regarding misleading advertisement and marketing of ORS substitute products vide which the use of terms ‘ORS’ or similar to ‘oRS’, and/or depiction of the food products as ‘ORS’on the food labels or through advertisement was restricted and the Commissioners of Food Safety of all States/UTs and Central licensing Authorities were advised to issue improvement notices to such FBOs for rectification of such food labels.
FSSAI has directed for compliance with manuals of the method of analysis published by FSSAI for analyzing the samples of food articles by FSSAI notified laboratories
Labs are required to use only approved methods for testing that has been verified in-house/on-site to ensure that the test gives proper result.
FSSAI issues order on Compliance with respect to time limit for analysis of samples by FSSAI notified laboratories.
In case of Import, the Notified laboratory or Referral laboratory shall provide the laboratory analysis report within five days from the date of receipt of the sample. If the sample cannot be tested by the laboratory within the specified time, it shall state the reasons for the same in writing to the Authorised Officer.
Ministry of Consumer Affairs issues notification on storing agricultural commodities.
The commodities requiring chemical or allied laboratory analysis, all AGMARK laboratories, all accredited laboratories notified by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration and laboratories recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standards and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India are authorised for laboratory testing.
Centre directs leading Edible Oil Associations to reduce prices by Rs. 15 with immediate effect.
The reduction in oil prices came in the wake of Central Government reducing the import duty on edible oils making them cheaper. The industry was advised to ensure that the complete benefit of the reduced duty is passed on to the consumers invariably.
CCPA issues guidelines for preventing unfair trade practices and violation of consumer rights with regard to levying of service charge in hotels and restaurants.
If any consumer finds that a hotel or restaurant is levying service charge in violation to the guidelines, a consumer may make a request to the concerned hotel or restaurant to remove service charge from the bill amount. Also, the consumer may lodge a complaint on the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), which works as an alternate dispute redressal mechanism at the pre-litigation level by calling 1915 or through the NCH mobile app.
Food Safety and Standards (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, and Prebiotic and Probiotic Food) Regulations, 2022
Objections or suggestions, if any, may be sent on email at regulation@fssai.gov.in within sixty days.
FSSAI Re-Operationalizes Licensing and Registration Amendment Regulations 2021.
The Food Authority may empanel individuals/companies/organisations to facilitate the food business operators in applying for Registration/License and the related activities such as modifications, and submission of annual returns and annual declaration with such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Food Authority under regulation 2.1.21.
MoFPI notifies guidelines on Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Millet Based Products.
The tenure of the Scheme is five years from Financial Year 2022-23 to Financial Year 2026-27. The Incentive payable for a particular year will be due for payment in the following year. The Incentive payable for Financial Year 2026-27 will be due for payment in year 2027-28.
FSSAI operationalizes FSS (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2022 governing fortified rice kernel
The amendment provides that rice flour used for preparation of fortified rice kernel shall be white to off white powder. It shall be free flowing with characteristic odor and no off odor. It shall be free from foreign matter.