FSSAI suspends requirement of AGMARK certification in case of imported food products
It is clarified that the requirement of AGMARK certification in case of imported food products is suspended till further orders from Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
FSSAI invites EOI for Empanelment of Training Partners under Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) Program.
The Empaneled training partner will be required to conduct training of Food Handlers as per the training curriculum of FSSAI in different parts of the country in a pragmatic manner. Interested and eligible Training Providers/ Academic Institutions/ Licensed Food Businesses/ Associations/ Civil Society Organizations can apply for the empanelment as a FoSTaC Training partner through online link.
FSSAI directions to eliminate inordinate delays in processing of modification applications for food products
This advisory has been issued in pursuance of inordinate delays in processing of modification applications and the FBOs, especially in case of products covered under FSS (Nutraceutical) Regulations, 2022.
FSSAI mandates health certificate for import of milk, pork and fish products
FSSAI mandates health certificate for for import of milk, pork and fish products w.e.f 01.11.2022.
FSSAI revises the maximum limit of the moisture content in mixed millet flour from 11% to 13%.
Based on various representations received from the stakeholders, for reconsideration of the values in respect of the quality parameters, FSSAI has decided to keep the enforcement of Alcoholic acidity and ‘Total dietary fibre’ for Mixed Millet Flour parameter in abeyance till 31st December 2022.
Revised rates of GST applicable to services provided by FSSA
The prior circular notified to all stakeholders that GST at the prescribed rate would be applicable on all services provided by FSSAI and that the rates for various services such as the issue of Central license, product approval fee, food safety mitra fee, import clearance fee, etc, will be revised accordingly. Those revised rates are issued through the new circular.
FSSAI issues Guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats.
The Food Business Operator shall submit an application in FORM-A along with necessary documents and fee of rupees Five Thousand (excluding G.S.T) payable to Senior Accounts Officer. The Food Authority may direct the applicant to submit additional supporting documents, data or clarifications, if required. The Food Authority may either grant approval or reject the application, as per FORM-B.
FSSAI has extended the timeline for mandatory compliance of Food Safety and Standards (vegan food) Regulation, 2022 by 6 months.
The Regulation specifies the labelling/packaging requirement for vegan food and notifies the compliance for food business operators. No person shall manufacture, pack, sell, offer for sale, market or otherwise distribute or import any food as vegan food unless they comply with the requirements laid down under these regulations.
Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Rules, 2022
For smoking and smokeless forms of tobacco products, the words „TOBACCO CAUSES PAINFUL DEATH‟ and the words „TOBACCO USERS DIE YOUNGER‟ shall appear in white font colour on a red background. The words “QUIT TODAY CALL 1800-11-2356‟ shall appear in white font colour on a black background.
FSSAI clarification on Food Safety Training and Certification
The FSS licensees shall also undergo refresher training when there is changes in the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses). Regulations, 2011.