FSSAI issues clarification on requirement of health certificate to be accompanied with the import of food consignments.
FSSAI has clarified that an integrated/single certificate incorporating food safety related requirements/attentions shall also be accepted at the time of import clearance. It may be ensured that integrated certificate shall incorporate all the information as per the format notified earlier.
Extended date for beneficiaries of cash transfer for food subsidy and subsidized food grains to apply for Aadhar enrollment
The amendment provides that beneficiaries of cash transfer for food subsidy and subsidized food grains shall apply for Aadhar enrollment by the extended date of 31st December, 2022.
Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) First Amendment Regulations, 2022
The amendment has provided following formulae for preparation of Soybean Curd.
FSSAI issues directions regarding graphic specifications of Vegan logo.
FSSAI in its earlier notification issued guidelines for submission of application for endorsement of vegan logo and formats for the approval from the authority. Upon the approval of the application as per form B, the food business operators are eligible to use the vegan logo.
FSSAI to carry out special drive to sensitize FBOs to mention FSSAI license/registration number on cash receipts/invoices etc.
Section 31 of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 mandates that every food business operator is required to obtain FSSAI license or registration prior commencing any food business. The implementation of FSS Act 2006 and Rules and Regulations made thereunder depends upon the FSSAI License and Registration number.
Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) First Amendment Regulations, 2022
It is clarified that the size of numeral or letter required for all declarations under these regulations on the crown or closure of returnable glass bottle shall not be less than 1 mm.
FSSAI notifies the Methods for testing of Fortificants (Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12) in Fortified Rice.
The method for Determination of Iron in Fortified Rice, is applicable for Quantification of Iron at 10 ppm LOQ Level (with respect to the Sample) by using ICP-MS and the method for Determination of Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) in Fortified Rice uses Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate, L-Ascorbic Acid, α-Amylase, Potassium Hydroxide etc.
FSSAI directions for B2B sale of t blends of oils/emulsions/hydrogenated vegetable oils
Records of inventory shall shall be maintained by seller and buyer of the blends of oils/emulsions/hydrogenated vegetable oils. It shall be sold only in unit packs of quantity less than 500ml or 500gms.
Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on sales) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022
The amendment provides that the Multi-source edible oil shall not be sold in loose form. It shall be sold in sealed package weighing not more than 15 litres.
FSSAI conditions for validity and recognition of the FSSAI notified laboratories
All those Laboratories, already recognized by FSSAI and which have not obtained FSSAI-NABL accreditation must obtain the same prior to the expiry of their NABL approved validity period or before 30th June, 2023, whichever is earlier.