FSSAI mandate health certificate for import of milk, pork and fish w.e.f 01.01.2023
Health certificate from competent authority of exporting country shall be submitted for import of Milk, Pork and Fish products is mandated with effect from the extended due date of January 1, 2023
FSSAI clarification on testing of import consignment samples at referral laboratories
This order shall remain in force till further orders are issued.
FSSAI exempts imported alcoholic beverages solely used for domestic manufacture of beverages from complying with upper alcohol limit
Only safety parameters and labeling requirements shall apply to the imported consignments.
FSSAI allows issue of provisional NOC for food consignments
Authorised Officers are directed to carry out a visual inspection and upon satisfaction, shall draw samples and issue Provisional No Objective Certificate (P-NOC) without waiting for the analysis report from the laboratory. The Authorised Officer shall issue the final No Objection Certificate, on receipt of the analysis report from the laboratory, if the product conforms to the FSSAI standards.
FSSAI issues order on restricted entry of food items under specific ports.
To further facilitate ease of doing business while ensuring the mandate of safe food imports in India, comments/suggestions are invited from all the stakeholders in this regard within 30 days from the date of publication of this order at e.mail: dramit.sharma@fssai.gov.in; imports@fssai.gov.in.
Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Second Amendment Regulations, 2022
The Minimum amount of Specialty Ingredient in case of Multigrain Bread shall be minimum 10% in the 1st year of enforcement and thereafter it shall be 20%. The amendment also provides the special ingredients allowed to be used in various types of breads.
The Food Safety and Standards (Approval for Non-Specified Food and Food Ingredients) First Amendment Regulations, 2022
As per the amendment under section 4, the manufacturer or importer of non-specified food shall submit an application in FORM – I along with necessary documents and fee to the Food Authority. The Food Authority shall scrutinize the application and information provided by the applicant and on preliminary scrutiny, deficiencies, if any, shall inform the applicant within a period of forty-five days from the date of receipt of the application.
FSSAI issues order on requirement of registration of foreign food manufacturing facilities as per FSS (import) 1st Amendment regulation, 2021.
The competent authority of all the exporting countries are requested to provide the list of existing manufacturers and of those who are intended to export such food products to India as per the notified format . based on the list provided by the competent authority of exporting country, the registration of such facilities will be done by the food safety and standards authority of India at its portal.
FSSAI Clarification regarding guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats
It is clarified that separate applications shall be submitted for different products or multiple variants of same product.
The Sugarcane (Control) (Amendment) Order, 2022.
notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-clause, in view of the problems faced by the project proponents on account of lockdown imposed due to Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) and its subsequent consequences, further extension of two years may be granted beyond the period stipulated or extended under this clause for implementation of Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum if such stipulated period or extension falls during the period between the 1st day of March, 2020 and the 28th February, 2022 and in such cases, the condition relating to furnishing of bank guarantee shall not apply.