FSSAI re-operationalizes FSS Nutraceuticals Regulations, 2022
The FSSAI has re-operationalised the FSS Nutraceuticals Regulations, 2022 and the direction permitting the use of certain additives and enzymes in health supplements from 1st April, 2023.
Re-operationalization of Standards for Fortified Rice Kernel
The FSSAI has re-operationalised the FSSAI direction dated 23rd June, 2022, detailing the provisions for FRK, vitamin and mineral premix for FRK and rice flour used for making FRK with effect from 23rd December, 2022.
Halal Certification for Meat and Meat Products
The Central Government has hereby amended the policy conditions for meat and meat products. It has listed 8 products covered by this notification.
FSSAI modifies its list of accredited NABL labs
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has modified its list of laboratories accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). These laboratories are notified for the purposes of carrying out analysis of food samples taken in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
CBIC issues notice of Extension of requirement of Health Certificate for Imported Food Consignments
he CBIC has drawn attention to the FSSAI order dated 3rd August, 2022 that required an FBO importing Milk & Milk products, Fish & Fish products, and Pork & Pork Products to obtain a Health Certificate. The CBIC has also stated that by an order dated 24th February, 2023, FSSAI has deferred the implementation of this requirement until further orders.
PMFME scheme to support setting up of 2 lakh micro food processing enterprises through credit linked subsidy
Under component schemes of PMKSY, MoFPI provides mostly credit linked financial assistance (capital subsidy) in the form of grants-in-aid to entrepreneurs for setting up of food processing industries. The projects completed under component schemes of PMKSY are estimated to benefit about 30.67 lakh famers.
Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Food Processing Industry (PLISFPI) to facilitate expansion of food processing capacity by creating champion brands in Food Processing Sector
Under component schemes of PMKSY, MoFPI provides mostly credit linked financial assistance (capital subsidy) in the form of grants-in-aid with total outlay of Rs 4600 Cr for 15th Finance Commission Cycle.
Extension of due date for submission of online proposals for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana
The closing date for submission of online proposals for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana is hereby extended up to 17.00 hrs of 23 March 2023.
FSSAI issues Press Release on SOP on Artificial Ripening of Fruits
FSSAI has reiterated its ban on traders/ fruit handlers/ FBOs operating ripening chambers from using prohibited material such as calcium carbide, or improperly using approved sources of ethylene gas like dipping the fruits in ripening agent solutions which may render the fruits unsafe for human consumption.
FSSAI further updates its list of Recognised Food Testing Laboratories
The present list includes the validity of the laboratories’ NABL accreditation, scope of testing as on 6th March, 2023 for the purpose of carrying out the analysis of food samples taken under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and Rules and Regulations made thereunder.