Special Drives Launched to Combat Milk Adulteration During Festive Season
FSSAI has urged state authorities to keep strict vigil in monitoring the manufacturing and sale of milk-related products throughout the festive period. Frequent enforcement and surveillance activities, including the deployment of Food Safety on Wheels (FSW) units where available, are being emphasized in key markets.
Re-Operationalization of Food Safety and Standards Amendment Regulations for Infant Nutrition
As the finalization process of the Food Safety and Standards (Food for Infant Nutrition) Amendment Regulations, 2022 is ongoing and may require additional time, it has been deemed necessary to re-operationalize the revised limits of Selenium, Manganese, Iron, and Biotin in infant food products effective from 1st October 2023.
FSSAI Extends Commencement Of Draft Amendment Regulations On Standards Of Packaged Drinking Water
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, has decided to implement its earlier direction on the operationalization of Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives), Amendment Regulations regarding the standards of Packaged Drinking Water (other than Mineral Water) from 1st January 2024.
Sale Of 100% Dust Grades Of Tea Through Auction
These amendments aim to enhance transparency, accountability, and fair trade practices within the tea industry. By regulating the sale of tea through public auctions, the order seeks to prevent monopolistic practices and promote market access for all tea producers, especially those in specified regions.
FSSAI Implements Fortified Rice Traceability (FoRTrace) Application
The FSSAI has now created the FoRTrace Application to address issues of transparency, quality control and traceability. The application aims to create a single platform for all stakeholders engaged in Rice Fortification. This will enable record-keeping in production, raw material utilization and sales and ensure end-to-end traceability within the Rice Fortification value chain.
FSSAI Releases Approved List of Laboratories for Testing Micronutrients in Fortified Rice
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued an approved list of laboratories capable of testing micronutrients in Fortified Rice (FR), Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK), and Vitamin-Mineral Premix for Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK). This list aims to facilitate the analysis of samples to ensure compliance with quality standards.
FSSAI Identifies Discrepancies in In-Flight Food Supply Chain
Airlines shall obtain only one Head Office [Kind of Business] FSSAI License. Additionally, they shall also endorse Food Services [Caterer] Kind of Business in the same FSSAI License. If involved in selling pre packaged food, endorse Trade/Retail [Retailer] in the same license.
FSSAI Directs Testing of Banned Pesticides in Tea
The directive, addressed to all notified laboratories specifically lists the pesticides to be tested. These include Cypermethrin, Acephate, Imidacloprid, Acetamiprid, Dinotefuran, and Fipronil.
MNRE Releases Draft Specifications for Solar Cold Storage
Emphasizing the preservation of perishable produce, the specifications target storage temperatures between 4°C to 15°C, catering to a wide range of commodities including fruits and vegetables. Stringent quality standards are upheld, mandating certification of all individual components as per relevant industry norms.
Tea Board India Issues Plant Protection Code to Safeguard Tea Plantations
Emphasizing the safe usage of crop protection products, the Plant Protection Code encourages tea growers to critically evaluate their Plant Protection Formulation (PPF) usage and gradually reduce reliance on chemicals. By adhering to these guidelines, the tea industry aims to minimize pesticide residues and promote sustainable tea production practices across India.