Spilling The Tea On March 2024 Production Estimates

According to the report, the total estimated production of tea in India for March 2024 was 62.52 million kilograms (MKgs). This is a marked decrease from the 79.61 million kilograms produced in March 2023.

FSSAI Seeks Public Feedback on New Method for Testing Edible Oils and Fats

FSSAI’s Scientific Panel on Methods of Sampling & Analysis has approved a method for determining 2 and 3-MCPD fatty acid esters and Glycidol fatty acid esters in edible oils and fats by acid transesterification. Before finalizing the method, the FSSAI wants feedback from stakeholders, including industry experts, consumer groups, and scientists to be submitted by May 25, 2024.

FSSAI Updates List of Recognized Laboratories For Food Testing

FSSAI has published a comprehensive directory of laboratories accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) for food sample analysis. It includes all FSSAI recognized laboratories along with the validity of their accreditation as of April 23, 2024.

SOPs for 100% Dust Grade Tea Auctions Published

The Tea Board of India has released Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the mandatory sale of 100% dust grade tea through public auctions. The SOP document outlines guidelines for the dust grade tea auction system. It aims to address issues raised by industry stakeholders during earlier discussions.

FSSAI Clarifies Documents Needed for Establishing Proof Of Premises

The FSSAI has noted that it receives several queries from stakeholders regarding acceptable documents to demonstrate possession of the business premises. It has, therefore, provided a list of documents that can be used to establish proof of premises for applying for FSSAI licences/ registrations

Food Businesses Get Final Reminder on Annual Returns

All manufacturers (including re-packers and re-labelers), importers and manufacturer-exporters shall mandatorily file the annual return for the financial year 2023-2024. The last date for the submission of the annual return is May 31, 2024. Submitting after this date incurs a penalty.

FSSAI Clarifies on Display of Information in Restaurants

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued clarifications in respect of declarations of calorific value, allergen, nutritional information, etc. Food service establishments are required to make these declarations on their menu cards, or boards or booklets.

FSSAI Cracks Down on Pesticide Use in Delhi Markets

FSSAI has launched an extensive awareness program targeting major markets. The campaign prioritizes educating market associations and traders about the dangers of pesticide residue, primarily in fruits and vegetables. It also emphasizes the importance of testing these products.