FSSAI Extends Re-operationalization Of Food Safety Standards (Labelling and Display) Amendment Regulations 2022
FSSAI has re-operationalized the provisions of these draft amendment regulations with effect from January 01, 2024. The draft amendment regulations contemplate labelling requirements of the non-retail container, minimally processed food, tolerance limit, warning statement related to pan masala, etc.
FSSAI Extends Operationalization of Food Safety and Standards Nutraceuticals Regulations, 2022
The FSSAI has re-operationalised the FSS Nutraceuticals Regulations, 2022 and the direction permitting the use of certain additives and enzymes in health supplements from January 1, 2024. It has also decided to permit the use of additives and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Table as per Codex in all categories and across all formats.
FSSAI Re-operationalizes Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Amendment Regulations, 2021
FSSAI hasissued a direction on re operationalising draft amendments to the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations 2021 from November 11, 2023. These amendment regulations cover licensing procedures for e- commerce food businesses, documentation requirements for new restaurant licenses, and hygiene standards for all food operators. Food Business Operators have to follow these regulations and Improvement notice may be issued to them for compliance with schedule 4.
FSSAI Issues Advisory On Unauthorized Use Of Liquid Nitrogen In Food Serving Establishments
FSSAI has noticed unauthorized use of liquid nitrogen in food establishments, which is not permitted under current regulations. Although nitrogen is allowed in specific food categories, using liquid nitrogen directly at the point of serving is against regulations and considered as non-compliance. Any violations will lead to statutory action under the FSS (Food Safety and Standards) Act, 2006.
BIS Revises Standards On Salts, Flour, Food Dyes and Cutting Tools
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has issued revised certain standards on Salts, Flour, Food Dyes and Cutting Tools. These standards were established in May 2024 and their previous versions will be withdrawn from August 2024.
FSSAI directs FBOs to remove claim of 100% Fruit Juices from the label and advertisement of fruit juices
All the FBOs have also been instructed to exhaust all existing pre-printed packaging materials before 1st September, 2024.
FSSAI Extends Deadline For Annual Returns Of FY 2023-2024
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a notification extending the deadline for submission of annual returns by manufacturers and importers for food business activities. FSSAI has decided to extend the timeline for filing annual returns from May 31, 2024 to June 30, 2024. This applies to the annual return for financial year 2023-2024.
Extension of FSSAI-NABL Integrated Assessment Timeline and Accreditation Requirements
FSSAI has emphasized that FSSAI-notified laboratories who do not yet possess accreditation under the FSSAI-NABL Integrated Assessment Scheme must apply for NABL accreditation within three months. Failing to comply with this notice will lead to administrative actions against defaulting laboratories.
Updated List of Notified and Referral Laboratories for Testing Fortified Rice Products
Only laboratories on the FSSAI’s approved list can be used for testing fortified rice products. Labs must maintain valid accreditation status. Businesses can verify accreditation on the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) website before sending samples for testing.
FSSAI Cracks Down on Misleading “100% Fruit Juice” Claims
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has directed all Food Business Operators (FBOs) to immediately remove “100% fruit juice” claims from labels and advertisements of reconstituted fruit juices. Products must mention “reconstituted” for reconstituted juices and “Sweetened juice” if added nutritive sweeteners exceed 15 gm/kg.