Ministry of Ports issues guidelines for reviving stressed projects.

These guidelines will pave the way for resolution of the cases under arbitration. The port asset is likely to be put to use through re-bidding. This will definitely result in unlocking the blocked cargo handling capacity of approximately 27 MTPA thereby creating better trade opportunities for the prospective investors and Port Authority will start generating revenue.

Karnataka Excise (Brewery) (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022.

“Craft brewery” means a small brewery with an installed capacity not exceeding 2 Lakh litres per annum in a place having not less than 4,000 sq. feet built up area, wherein only bottled Beer is manufactured, and includes every place therein, where bottled Beer is stored or issued”

The Bihar Prohibition and Excise (Amendment) Act, 2022.

A new section 57-A which deals with Destruction of seized Items, particularly Intoxicants and section 57B which deals with Things or premises liable to be released upon penalty has been inserted through this amendment.

The Customs (Electronic Cash Ledger) Regulations, 2022.

The electronic cash ledger shall be maintained in FORM ECL-1 on the common portal for each person in regard to every deposit made towards duty, interest, penalty, fee or any other sum payable by the person and the deposit made in the electronic cash ledger shall not accrue any interest.