100 geologically potential mineral blocks for auction

The Geological Survey of India has delineated 100 geologically potential mineral blocks for auction. Handing over of these 100 Reports to the State Governments will ensure continuous supply of minerals in the country and more revenue to the State Governments by bringing more number of mineral blocks under auction.

The Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Amendment Rules, 2021.

A detailed reassessment of resources shall not be required to be carried out in cases where the estimate of Mineral Resource required for auction can be assessed on the basis of the available report of exploration or geological study report or last approved mining plan for the said area, after adjusting for the mineral already produced from the mine.

The Mineral (Auction) Second Amendment Rules, 2021

The amendment provides that if for any mineral or mineral grade, the average sale price in respect of the relevant State for any month is not published by the Indian Bureau of Mines, the average sale price for the latest month published for such mineral or mineral grade shall be deemed to be the average sale price for the said month for which average sale price is not published.

Submission requirements for approval to use HSD

Detail of estimated consumption of HSD for the FY for which approval is sought, details of purpose/machinery/equipment/vehicles for which HSD is required and documentary evidence with respect to ownership of /lease/allotment of mine shall be submitted for approval to use HSD.