Vinyl Acetate Monomer (Quality Control) Second Amendment Order, 2022

As per the order, manufacturers and dealers of Vinyl Acetate Monomer shall company with the parameters issued by BIS. The latest version of the Indian Standards including the amendments issued thereof and notified by the Bureau of Indian Standards from time to time shall apply.

Ministry of Consumer Affairs extends timeline for disbursement of loan/completion of ethanol projects.

Under the schemes, the timeline for disbursement of loan for ethanol projects is up to March/April, 2022. However, due to unavoidable and unfortunate situation caused by COVID-19, project proponents were unable to adhere to the time limit for disbursement of loan from Banks/ Financial institutions and unable to complete their projects in a given time frame. Therefore, there is a need to extend the time line for disbursement of loans under interest subvention schemes announced earlier during 2018-2021.