Gujarat Government inaugurates and initiates several projects in The Cooperative Sector

Farmers will receive 50,000 without interest through the Kisan Credit Card, Chief Minister laid the foundation stone for the Banas Bovine and Breed Research Center (BBBRC) at Bhildi, a project costing 324.77 crores. He also inaugurated the newly constructed Ultra-Modern Atta Plant with a daily capacity of 50 metric tons in Badarpura, for 45 crore.

Insecticides (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

This amendment has extended the deadline for compliance with the new packaging and labeling requirements that were notified in the Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023. The deadline for compliance of these new norms has been fixed as December 23, 2023.

Draft Insecticides (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

These draft rules seek to extend the timeline for complying with the requirements of qualifications as per the Insecticides Act, 1971. As per this draft rules, all retailers or dealers possessing a valid licence without prescribed qualifications shall be allowed up to 30th June, 2024 to comply with the said qualifications.

Polyethylene Material for Moulding and Extrusion (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024

This amendment acknowledges the diverse applications and specifications within the polyethylene industry, tailoring the regulations to ensure effective quality control without unduly burdening specific classes of polyethylene material. Industry stakeholders and manufacturers are advised to familiarize themselves with the amended order and implement necessary adjustments to their processes to comply with the revised quality control standards.

FSSAI Bans 20 Pesticides & Issues Testing Directives

This move by FSSAI reinforces the commitment to protecting public health by actively monitoring and regulating the use of pesticides and contaminants in the food supply chain. These regulatory measures serve to bolster confidence in the nation’s food safety ecosystem.

Proposed Digitization of Processes under Insecticides Rules for Enhanced Regulation

The proposed eighth amendment addresses the licensing process for pest control operations involving Glyphosate and its derivatives. The proposed ninth amendment covers various aspects of licensing, record-keeping, and reporting. Some key highlights include the introduction of digital forms for license applications, maintenance of records, and reporting procedures.

New Specifications and Methods of Analysis Introduced for Fertilisers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has notified the Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) (Control) Tenth Amendment Order, 2023. The order introduces specifications for micronutrient fertilisers. The order also establishes the Method of analysis for these fertilisers.

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables To Be Monitored for Pesticides

FSSAI has once more urged the authorities to keep a strict vigil on Food Business Operators engaged in manufacturing, repacking, and selling fresh, surface-treated, and minimally processed fruits & vegetables. Authorities shall undertake surveillance/ enforcement measures at regular intervals in a planned manner.