Government Launches Training Program to Enhance Chemical and Petrochemical Safety
The training program is designed to enhance safety and security measures in Major Accident Hazard (MAH) units across India. The program covered a wide range of topics, including accident and risk management, loss prevention, environmental protection, fire and explosion safety, and emergency response.
Gypsum based Building Materials (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024
Manufacturers and importers who have obtained certification from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) or have applied for certification before the commencement of the amendment order will be allowed to sell or display their existing stock of gypsum-based building materials for up to six months. These manufacturers and importers must submit a declaration to the Central Government, certified by a Chartered Accountant, confirming their intention to sell the existing stock within the specified timeframe.
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene (ABS) (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024
The amendment provides that nothing in this Order shall apply to Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Moulding and Extrusion Materials used for production of toco transducers.
New Quality Control Orders for Chemical Intermediates
The Central Government has issued three new quality control orders for chemical intermediates: H Acid, K Acid, and Vinyl Sulphone. These products must bear the Standard Mark issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), certifying their compliance with quality standards.
Further Extension In Implementation Of Morpholine Quality Control Order
The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has once again postponed the implementation of the Morpholine (Quality Control) Order, 2020. The deadline for enforcement of the order has now been fixed for May 1, 2025.
New Amendment to Maleic Anhydride Quality Control Order
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers announced the Maleic Anhydride (Quality Control) Second Amendment Order, 2024
An Intoxicating Legal Battle Culminates In The Supreme Court Favoring States
The Court held that state governments have the primary authority to legislate on intoxicating liquor, including industrial alcohol, under Entry 8 of the State List. Through its majority judgment, the Court overturned the 1990 judgment that had granted the Centre greater regulatory power over industrial alcohol. It empowers state governments to enact their own regulations governing the production, distribution, and sale of industrial alcohol within their respective jurisdictions.
Fair Pay for All: Himachal Pradesh’s Revised Minimum Wage Structure
The Government of Himachal Pradesh announced an important revision to the minimum wages applicable across various employment sectors, set to take effect from April 1, 2024.
From Agriculture to Water Quality: New Standards for a Better India
The Bureau of Indian Standards issued the date of establishment and withdrawal for Indian Standard Particulars related to Ammonium Chloride, Fertilizer Grade etc.
BIS Updates: New Specifications for Lacquer and Environmental Testing Released
BIS issued the date of establishment and withdrawal of the Lacquer, Cellulose Nitrate, Pigmented, Fishing, Glossy and other Indian Standards.