Andhra Pradesh Cinema (Regulation) (Amendment) Rules
The Rules previously provided the licensing authority the power to fix the maximum rates of payment for admission to the different classes in licensed premises. The amendment provides that the licensing authority shall fix the rates of payment for admission to the different classes in licensed premises as per government orders issued from time to time.
The Ministry of Information has amended the cable television network rules.
As per the amended rule 16, Any person aggrieved by the content of a programme of a channel as being not in conformity with the Programme Code or the Advertising Code may file his complaint in writing to the broadcaster.
Standard Operating Procedure to be followed in places of public gathering for entertainment
The SOP document outlines various generic precautionary measures to be adopted in addition to specific
measures to be ensured at Entertainment Parks and similar places to prevent spread of COVID-19.
Entertainment Parks and similar places in Containment Zones shall remain closed.