Public Input Sought on Proposed Changes to Cross-Border Electricity Trade Regulations

This draft revision aims to refine the existing regulations governing cross-border electricity trade in India. The draft is titled the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Cross Border Trade of Electricity) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024. Submissions are due by January 31, 2025.  Comments can be sent via email to and  

Public Consultation Invited on Alternative Mechanism for Fuel and Power Purchase Adjustment Surcharge (FFPAS) Charges

A fixed “Base Fuel and Power Price Adjustment Surcharge” (Base FPPAS) would be collected from consumers along with their monthly electricity bills. The State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) would determine the Base FPPAS as a percentage of the monthly average billing rate. This percentage would be based on the average FPPAS of the past three years and the DISCOM’s proposal for the current year.