Amendments in Bidding Documents for lnter-State Transmission Services

The Ministry noted that several private transmission developers had encountered challenges in meeting the technical requirements for bidding on HVDC systems via the TBCB route, specifically related to the qualifying criterion regarding the aggregate capital cost of projects and aggregate payments received (CAPEX) to be fulfilled by the bidding company or lead member of the Bidding Consortium.

Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects

The key objective behind these guidelines is to reduce the overall power purchase costs for distribution licensees, which constitute the largest cost element. By introducing competitive bidding in the procurement process, the government aims to facilitate the development of power markets and subsequently lower electricity prices, leading to substantial benefits for consumers.

Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023

These Amendment Rules aim at bringing improvements in the management of subsidies and ensuring the financial sustainability of the electricity distribution sector. These new rules seek to streamline subsidy accounting, establish a framework for financial sustainability, and set guidelines for prudent cost management.

MNRE approves PAU Dry Fermentation Small Biogas Plant Designs

The approved Biogas Plant Designs/ Models will be considered eligible for the benefits under the MNRE’s Biogas Programme. The MNRE also has reserved the right to cancel or modify the approval at any time in the future based on feedback received from end users/ BIS/ Technical Agencies/ Implementing Agencies.

Thermal Power Plants must comply with Emission Norms 

MoEF&CC has specified timelines for SO2 compliance for non-retiring Thermal Power Plants for compliance to emission norms. For non-compliance beyond the specified timelines, MoEF&CC has prescribed environment compensation on the non-retiring thermal power plants.