Guidelines for Promoting Community Boiler for Cluster of Small-Scale Industries

Recognizing this challenge, a novel concept has emerged – the ‘common boiler’ or ‘community boiler.’ This innovative approach involves the establishment of a centralized system of boilers within an industrial area to generate steam. The steam is then distributed through a pipeline network to member industrial units, thereby reducing the need for individual small-scale boilers.

Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The rules address importation by air, emphasizing compliance with international aviation regulations and customs procedures. Importers must obtain proper authorization, submit requisite documents, and adhere to safety protocols outlined by the Director General of Civil Aviation.

Government Amends Electricity Rules to Optimize Power Supply

To optimize power usage, power generators withholding surplus power will now forfeit the capacity or fixed charges corresponding to that surplus quantity. Additionally, the surplus power cannot be sold in the power exchange at a price exceeding 120% of the energy charge plus applicable transmission charges. This move aims to increase the utilization of surplus electricity by making it more likely to be purchased and utilized.

AERB Revises Safety Guide on ‘In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plants’

The document outlines the various stresses and environmental factors that impact the structure, systems, and components (SSCs) of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and the importance of inspecting these to ensure their integrity and safety during operation. The scope of the safety guide applies to land-based NPPs of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) types, outlining provisions for safety-related systems and pressure-retaining components.

MNRE Releases Draft Specifications for Solar Cold Storage

Emphasizing the preservation of perishable produce, the specifications target storage temperatures between 4°C to 15°C, catering to a wide range of commodities including fruits and vegetables. Stringent quality standards are upheld, mandating certification of all individual components as per relevant industry norms.