Blending of Compressed Bio-Gas in CNG (Transport) & PNG (Domestic) Segments

The Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Housing & Urban Affairs has announced the introduction of the CBG Blending Obligation (CBO). The CBO aims to stimulate demand for CBG in the City Gas Distribution (CGD) sector, with a focus on mandatory blending in the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) transport and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) domestic segments.

Report on Domestic Manufacturing of Heavy Machinery

The committee recommended standardization of equipment to promote domestic manufacturing, urging Captive/Commercial Mine operators and contractors to prioritize indigenous equipment. Tender clauses are proposed to align with the “Make in India” mission, promoting the use of domestically manufactured equipment. To incentivize manufacturers, the committee suggested a scheme to encourage the design, development, and production of equipment in India for five years under the “Make in India” initiative.

Ruby Jubilee Celebration Marks 40 Years of Achievements for AERB

The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) celebrated its ruby jubilee on November 15, 2023. During the event prominent figures of the Indian nuclear community shared their reflections on the remarkable progress witnessed by AERB over the past four decades.

Updated List of Approved Solar Photovoltaic Module Manufacturers and Models

Under the updated Approved List of Models and Manufactures for Solar Photovoltaic Modules, the enlistment of models of Solar PV Module Manufacturers in the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) will be subject to stringent criteria. Only models that comply with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and meet the minimum module efficiency requirements will be eligible for enlistment under ALMM.

Deadline Extension for CPC Manufacturing Industries

The CAQM emphasizes the importance of timely and accurate information from the concerned industries to facilitate the decision-making process and ensure transparency in the allocation of pet coke resources.

Inauguration of Power Pavilion by the Ministry of Power

Ministry of Power presents initiatives of power sector at IITF 2023, Union Power and NRE Minister R. K. Singh inaugurates Power Pavilion.Ahead of COP28 meeting, Union Power & NRE Minister emphasizes upon the need for Developed countries to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions first

Ministry of coal to commence 8th round of auction of commercial coal mines

Ministry of coal makes efforts to stop importing of coal with the main focus on production of coal within the nation. The mines being auctioned are spread across coal bearing States of Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Bihar. Sale of tender document shall start from November 15, 2023.. Details of the mines, auction terms, timelines etc. can be accessed on MSTC auction platform.

Progress Report on Commercial Coal Mine Auctions

The aim of the coal mine auctions is that the coal sector be freed from distortions, vested interests and sectoral allocations. The auctions seek to bring everyone to a level playing field for efficient, fair and fast allocation of coal blocks. This meets the overarching goal of achieving Atmanirbharata in coal production in the country.

Biomass Price Benchmarking to Boost Sustainable Energy

Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) operating in the respective regions are strongly advised to adhere to the benchmark prices for biomass pellets. The Ministry of Power emphasizes the importance of compliance to accelerate capacity addition in pellet manufacturing and ensure a stable and sustainable biomass supply chain.