Rescue Operations by Tamil Nadu Government for People Affected by Cyclone Mijam and Floods
The Government of Tamil Nadu is taking various steps to rescue the public from these effects and provide them with the relief. National and State Disaster Response teams, Police Department, Fire and Rescue Department are heavily involved in the rescue operations work and people are rescued from flooded areas by boats.
Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Rules, 2023
These rules seek to play a pivotal role in balancing development needs with environmental conservation imperatives. The rules specify a stringent process for handling incomplete or incorrect information, including the possibility of rejection if correct information is not provided within the specified period. The framework also emphasizes the importance of compensatory afforestation and compliance with relevant statutes.
Project Dolphin to Save Dolphins in Tamil Nadu
Project dolphin will focus on Strengthening of protection activities through better patrolling antipoaching activities and strengthening of the surveillance and patrolling teams with modern equipment and technology.
Annual General Body Meeting of Tiger Reserves of Tamil Nadu
The main motive of this meeting is to to provide financial and technical assistance to tiger reserve management for implementing tiger conservation plans, mobilizing resources for tiger habitat conservation, promoting eco-tourism and eco-development, raising public awareness about the importance of tigers and their habitats.
Terms and Conditions for Assignment of Forest Land on Lease
The Central Government, has issued a comprehensive order specifying terms and conditions for the assignment of forest land on lease to government and private entities. This order was issued under Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan), Adhiniyam, 1980. The order was issued on November 29, 2023.
Commission for Air Quality Management Revokes GRAP Stage-III Actions Following Improved Air Quality
While actions under Stages I and II of GRAP will continue to be invoked, the Sub-Committee emphasized the need for strict vigilance and intensified measures to prevent the air quality from slipping into the ‘severe’ category, obviating the need for re-imposition of Stage-III actions in the NCR.
Guidelines passed by Tamil Nadu Government to Release Water from Vaigai Dam
As per Government order when vaigai sharing water level reaches 1354 million cubic feet, In the ratio of 2:3:1 water will be released till march 2024 of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3.when vaigai sharing water level reaches 1354 million cubic feet.
Solid Waste Management Programme Conducted in association with Greater Chennai Corporation
The purpose of programme is to create awareness programmes to educate people about solid waste management. To enhance waste management and guidance to its employees.
LPG Crematorium ground under the Singara Chennai 2.0 Scheme.
LPG Crematory is more economic, efficient and eco-friendly. The main motive of this conversion is to reduce the pollution and to decrease the time for the whole process.
Precautions taken by Greater Chennai Corporation with regards to North East Monsoon
Water logs have been a major problem in chennai city especially in water prone areas. Preventive actions taken by chennai city corporation to avoid water logs.