Coastal Restoration Mission by Government of Tamil Nadu

Government of Tamil Nadu on Wednesday issued orders for the launch of the Tamil Nadu Coastal Restoration Mission which is the fourth mission mode project of the Government after Climate Change Mission, Green Tamil Nadu Mission & Wetland Mission. An announcement to this effect was made by the Minister for Finance and Human Resource Management in the Budget Speech during 2023-2024.

Climate Conference 2024 “Decoding the Green Transition for India”

The conference delved into all aspects of India’s climate action plan, with a keen focus on the role of the private sector, climate tech startups, and institutional investors. The conference aimed at mobilizing financial resources and technical capabilities to bolster government initiatives.

New Coastal Aquaculture Authority Rules, 2024 Published

These rules have replaced the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Rules, 2005. They introduce comprehensive guidelines and procedures for the regulation of coastal aquaculture units and activities. These rules emphasize the importance of responsible aquaculture practices, balancing economic interests with ecological preservation. The rules were notified on January 9, 2024 and have come into force on that same date.

Governor inaugurates Environment Sustainability Summit

Maharashtra Governor inaugurated the ‘Environmental Sustainability Summit’ on the theme of ‘Harnessing Bamboo Potential for a Sustainable Tomorrow’ at Y.B. Chavan Auditorium, Mumbai on Tue (9 Jan). The Governor visited the exhibition of Bamboo products, witnessed the panel discussion and addressed the gathering on the occasion.

The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Madhya Pradesh Amendment Act, 2023

The newly inserted section 13A empowers police officers, not below the rank of Sub-Inspector or authorized by the State Government, to seize any material or article used as a subject or means of a hookah bar if they have reason to believe that the provisions of section 4A have been or are being contravened. Overall, the amendments aim to strengthen the enforcement of regulations related to hookah bars and enhance the penalties for contravening these regulations.

CPCB Grants Recognition to Additional Environmental Laboratories and Government Analysts

Environmental laboratories play a pivotal role in monitoring and analyzing air, water, and other substances to assess pollution levels and environmental quality. The appointment of Government Analysts further ensures that the analysis of samples adheres to stringent standards, contributing to the overall effectiveness of environmental protection measures.

GRAP Stage-III Revoked Following Significant Progress

The AQI of Delhi has been progressively on the rise, which is 55 points below the threshold for invoking GRAP Stage-III actions (Delhi AQI 401-450). The forecast by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) suggests a likelihood of sustained improvement in AQI, remaining in the Very Poor/Poor category in the next few days.